




12:00  -集体冥想


心连鲸鱼 水的祈福者






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In connection with Mother Earth, we perceive our feet firmly planted on the ground. In listening to our breath we begin to center ourselves in our heart, thanking for the gift of existence.

We inhale Love, we exhale Gratitude.

We hold hands and say together:

"I Am Love..I Am Gratitude..”

"I Am Love..I Am Gratitude.."

"I Am Love..I Am Gratitude..".

We perceive the roots that grow from our feet and sink deep into the Earth. We ask permission to get in touch with the subtlest energies, perceiving the heart of Mother Earth, her heartbeat. We bring its energy to our heart, placing the left hand on our chest. In the perception of the terrestrial energy that flows from the feet and expands throughout our body, we connect to the Sun, recalling the source of inner light in each of us.

The Sun radiates rays of light and constantly transmits packets of luminous energy, elevating our awareness, raising our inner vibration.

We bring solar energy to the center of our heart, placing on the chest the right hand above the left. As we become the point of confluence of the two terrestrial and solar energies, feminine and masculine energies, we expand from our center this fusion of complementary energies with Love and Gratitude.

We receive Love, we release Gratitude.

Our heart radiates energy like a sun, propagating pure light around itself. We connect now as many points of light to the other hearts of our humanity that become a single luminous heart that radiates light on humanity and on Mother Earth.

We welcome the Love of each other and we thank for being part of the human family.

With Love and Gratitude we bless every heart of our planet.
For the good of humanity and of Mother Earth, so it is.

At the opening of the heart we root like a tree that sinks its roots into the Earth, until we become the tree itself.

We visualize the roots, the trunk, the foliage and, listening to our breath, we slowly enter into an ever deeper perception of ourselves.

In the Earth a drop nourishes life in us, from the sky a drop nourishes our upward development, our evolution in the continuous search of the Sun. From the union of these two drops merging into a river that leads us to the sea, we become the drop that flows into the water that contains it. We become fluid like water, by flowing into the sea.

In the sea we call the whales. We ask with humility and respect their presence. We listen to their sweet and soft chants that awaken the memories of who we really are, opening ourselves to the memories of Mother Earth.

A flow of magical and powerful sounds pervades us, propagating through us. We listen to the sounds of awakening to our human and spiritual nature centered in our hearts.

The whales float in the depths of the crystalline waters, awakening the consciences of humanity with a dance of slow and harmonious movements. Each movement generates rotations, like vortices that begin to propagate endless bubbles, in each of which the memories of the planet are kept.

We watch the whales, until we become one of them. In connection with ourselves, we open ourselves to accepting our Sense of Existence on the planet Earth for our full realization as divine beings incarnated on the physical plane.

We thank with deep Gratitude for the gift received and we turn to the Water to extend our prayer of forgiveness and blessing.

Beloved Water, we address to you with respect and love. Today we are here, in connection with all the hearts of humanity, to humbly ask you for forgiveness.

Assuming full responsibility for our lives, we humbly ask you for forgiveness for every word, every gesture, every thought, every action, every emotion that has not respected the life that is in you.

Forgive us..Forgive us..Forgive us ..

We love you and thank you .. we love you and we thank you .. we love you and we thank you ..

We respect you .. we respect you .. we respect you ..


Today we bless every sea, every river, every torrent, every lake, every water that flows on our planet up to the smallest drop of water so that it can return to clear and pure flow on Mother Earth.

Today we are here to fulfill our sense of divine beings, of co-creators beings of harmonious life based on respect and love.

Today we are here to consciously evolve as a human family in the high vibrations of Love and Gratitude.

So It Is.


大断言(Daidangen)The Grand Invocation 日本語(Japanese)  
Ucyuu no mugen no chikara ga korikotte, makoto no daiwa no miyo ga narinatta.


感谢日本科学家Masaru Emoto研究记录下水将记忆储存在稳定的晶体里的能力,并留下对水的祷文。我们非常感谢非营利组织Emoto Peace Project为合作分发“水上消息”儿童手册,以教育儿童对水的认识。我们还要感谢美国心数研究所记录下人类心脏产生的我们身体中最强大的能量来源。我们心脏产生的电磁场,同比复制了这个星球的电磁场,这完美地解释了地球母亲和世上所有生物密不可分的联系。我们感谢科学研究人员罗杰·纳尔逊(Roger Nelson)在全球意识项目中记录了人类对于爱与感激事件的意识的影响。我们还要感谢“Essere il Cambiamento”修改版的员工,翻译员,音乐家和歌手Sherden Overtone Choir 和 Nicola SonoSuono以及所有每年都会举办这个活动的人。


• Japanése 日本の: "Uchu no Mugen no Chikara ga Kori kotte, Makoto no Daiwa no Miyo ga Nari natta" 宇宙の 無限の 力が 凝り凝って 真の 大和の み世が 生り成った
• Italiano: "Il Potere Eterno dell'Universo si è riunito per creare un mondo di vera e grande armonia" 
• English: "The Eternal Power of the Universe has gathered itself to create a world of true and great harmony"
• Español: "El poder eterno del Universo se ha reunido para crear el mundo de verdadera y grande harmonia."
• Français: "Le pouvoir éternel de l'univers s'est rassemblé pour créer un monde de vérité et de grande harmonie."
• Deutsch: "Die unendliche Kraft des Universums hat sich vereint, um eine Welt wahrer und großer Harmonie zu erschaffen"
• Português: "O poder eterno do universo reuniu-se para criar o mundo de verdadeira e grande harmonia."
• Românesc: "Puterea eternã a Universului sa unit pentru a crea o lume de o adevãratã si mãreatã Armonie."
• Sveska: "Universums eviga kraft har samlats sig själv för att skapa en värld av sann harmoni."
• Chinese 中國語文: "Yǔzhòu zhōng yǒnghéng de lìliàng huìjù shì wèile chuàngzào chū zhēnzhèng dà héxié de shìjiè" 宇宙中永恒的力量汇聚是为了创造出真正大和谐的世界

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