Per il Bene Supremo, Cosí È.

For the Highest Good, So it Is.


We are an international volunteer association based in Italy "Essere il Cambiamento" ("Be The Change"). We deal primarily with the footprint on the planet (e.g. food consumption, ressources sharing, news sciences and human behaviours). Our focus is to improve consciousness and responsability in our lives starting from changes in ourselves. Please download the original documents statute and constitutional act of the association here (italian language). 
Durante le giornate del Cambiamento viviamo il Cambiamento che desideriamo vivere come se fosse già avvenuto. Durante gli eventi manifestiamo il Cambiamento nella realtà fisica. Ogni evento nasce nella purezza di intento e nella sintonizzazione alle alte vibrazioni. 
During the days of Change we experience the change we wish to live as if it had already happened. During the events we manifest the Change in physical reality. Each event is born in purity of intent and by synchronizing to high vibrations.

World Peace Day
June 21, 2020


La Settimana del Silenzio
The week of Silence
October 6 - 13, 2019
June 23, 2019
available also in IT, ES, DE, FR, PT, ZH, SVRO
The Week of Simple Food ITALY
March 25-31, 2019
September 16, 2018
available also in ITESPTFR
June 24, 2018
available also in IT, ES, DE, FR, PTZH, SV, RO, TR
April 26-30, 2018
On Saint Valentine's Day embrace those you love!
February 14, 2018 
The Week of Simple Food ITALY
January 22-28, 2018
The March of Free Hugs
November 12, 2017
World Heart Meditation and Water Prayer
available also in ITDE - FRAR - ES - RU - RO - ZH - SV - PT
June 11, 2017
The March of the Hugs
November 20, 2016
The March of the Hugs
available also in EN and ES
June 26, 2016
Focused meditation during the full moon and the summer solstice
June 20, 2016
The awakening of the sacred femminine
available also in ES
June 5, 2016
World Heart Meditation and Water Prayer
available also in IT - DE - FR - ES - PL - AR - PT - RO - HRV - RU - JA - SV
May 22, 2016
The world week of the Simple Food
September 7 - 15, 2015
One prayer of Love for Nepal
April 30, 2015
Scaldiamoci con un abbraccio a Natale - Giornate Nazionali degli Abbracci
Italian national days of Free Hugs
December 20-21, 2014

Giornate mondiali degli Abbracci
World Hugging Days
April 3-4, 2014

Giornata Mondiale dell'Acqua
World Water Day
March 22, 2014

Italian National Hugging Day
December 15, 2013
available also in IT - ES - FR - JA - PT - DE
June 23, 2013
Focused Meditation for Sardinia
March 19 and 21, 2013
World Water Prayer for Fukushima
March 11, 2013
Italian National Free Hugs Day
December 16, 2012
World Heart Meditation and Water Prayer
September 23, 2012